Gujarat Police Recruitment 2024, Notification Out for 12472 SI and Constable

The Gujarat Police has announced a job opportunity for 12472 positions in the roles of Sub-Inspector and Constable. You can find the official notification and information about who can apply and how to apply in the PDF document provided.

Gujarat Police Bharti 2024
Gujarat Police Bharti 2024

Gujarat Police Bharti 2024 Notification Out

The Gujarat Police is hiring for 12,472 positions for Sub Inspectors, Constables, and Jail Sepoys. The article has all the information about the recruitment process, including who can apply, the age limit, the exam format, and how candidates will be selected. You can apply online on the official website from April 4th to April 30th, 2024. Make sure to read the article for more details and save the page for updates and application links. The official notification PDF is available on the website, and we have provided a direct link to download it.

Gujarat Police Bharti Notification 2024 PDF– Click to Download

Gujarat Police Recruitment 2024

Candidates for Gujarat Police Recruitment in 2024 will be chosen through a process that includes a written exam, physical efficiency test, physical measurement test, and medical examination.

Gujarat Police Recruitment 2024
OrganizationGujarat Police Force Recruitment Board
Post NameSub Inspector, Constable, Jail Sepoy
CategoryGovt Jobs
Application ModeOnline
Application Dates4th to 30th April 2024
Selection ProcessPET, PMT, Written Exam, Medical Examination, Document Verification
Job LocationGujarat
Official website OR

OJAS Police Bharti 2024: Important Dates

On 13th March 2024, the department announced job openings for the positions of SI and Constable. They will soon let us know when we can apply online. To stay updated on important dates, candidates should check this page or the official website regularly.

Gujarat Police Recruitment 2024: Important Dates
Notification Release14th March 2024
Apply Online Starts4th April 2024
Last Date to Apply30th April 2024

Gujarat Police Vacancy 2024

The department is looking to hire a total of 12472 people for different positions like Unarmed Police SI, Constable, Armed Police Constable, Constable (SRPF), and Jail Sepoy Class III. You can see how many vacancies are available for each position below.

Unarmed Police Sub InspectorMale316
Unarmed Police Sub InspectorFemale156
Unarmed Police ConstableMale4422
Unarmed Police ConstableFemale2178
Armed Police ConstableMale2212
Armed Police ConstableFemale1090
Armed Police Constable (SRPF)Male1000
Jail SepoyMale1013
Jail SepoyFemale85

Gujarat Police Bharti 2024 Online Form

Candidates can apply for the Gujarat Police Bharti 2024 by filling out an online form starting from 4th April 2024. Offline applications are not accepted. The deadline to submit the online application is 30th April 2024. The link to the online form will be provided below once it is available.

Gujarat Police Bharti Eligibility Criteria

Before applying, candidates should make sure they meet the requirements. They must meet the age limit, have the right education, and meet the physical standards set by the Department. The official notification will have all the detailed requirements, but here are the basic ones to check.

Educational Qualification

All applicants must know how to use a computer and should be able to speak either Gujarati or Hindi, or both languages. Look at the table below to see the educational qualifications required for each position in the Gujarat Police Bharti 2024.

Unarmed Police Sub InspectorBachelor’s Degree in any stream from any recognized university.
Unarmed Police Constable, Armed Police Constable, Jail Sepoy, and Armed Police Constable (SRPF)12th Pass (Higher Secondary) or equivalent

Age Limit

Please look at the table below to find the age requirements for each post and category.

Post NameMinimum AgeMaximum Age (General/OBC)Maximum Age (Women)Maximum Age (SC/ST/SEBC/EWS)
Unarmed Police Sub Inspector21 years35 years35+5 years for General Category Women
35+10 years for reserved category women
40 years
Unarmed Police Constable, Armed Police Constable, Jail Sepoy, and Armed Police Constable (SRPF)18 years33 years33+5 years for General Category Women
33+10years for reserved category women
38 years

Gujarat Police Physical Standard (PST)

These are the required height and chest measurements for candidates from different groups. Here is a table showing the height and chest requirements for male and female candidates in the Gujarat Police Bharti 2024. Please note that chest measurements are not needed for female candidates.

CategoryHeight (in cm)Chest Unexpanded (in cm)Chest Expanded (in cm)
Schedule Tribe (Gujarat origin)Male1627984
Others (Except Schedule Tribe) Male1657984

Gujarat Police Selection Process

The Gujarat Police selection process has 4 stages to find the right candidates. You can find the details of each stage here. Stage 1: Candidates have to pass a physical test and meet certain physical standards.

  • Physical Standards Test (PST): Candidates are measured for height, chest (for male candidates), and weight. Those who meet the prescribed standards move to the next stage.
  • Physical Efficiency Test (PET): Candidates undergo physical tasks such as running, long jump, high jump, etc., to assess their physical fitness. The requirements may vary based on the position applied for.

Stage 2: In this stage, candidates who pass the physical fitness test and physical standard test will take a written exam. The exam will cover subjects like general knowledge, math, reasoning, current events, and English, depending on the job they applied for.Stage 3: Candidates who pass the written exam and document check will have a medical exam. This is to make sure they meet the medical requirements for the job.Stage 4: Candidates who are selected will have their documents checked to confirm their eligibility, education, age, and category. They will need to provide original documents for verification.

PostSelection Process
Unarmed Police Sub Inspector1st Stage: Physical Test (Qualifying Nature)
2nd Stage: Main Exam
Unarmed Police Constable, Armed Police Constable, Jail Sepoy, and Armed Police Constable (SRPF)1st Stage: Physical Test (Qualifying Nature)
2nd Stage: Objective MCQ Test

Gujarat Police Constable Exam Pattern 2024

The way the exams are set up for the Unarmed Police Sub Inspector and the Unarmed Police Constable, Armed Police Constable, Jail Sepoy, and Armed Police Constable (SRPF) is not the same. If you want to know more about how the exams are structured for each position, you can find more information below.

Unarmed Police Sub Inspector Exam Pattern

The Main Examination for the Unarmed Police Sub Inspector post will have two papers, one with multiple-choice questions and the other with descriptive questions. The exam is worth a total of 300 marks. You can find more information about the exam pattern for the Gujarat Police Constable in the table below.

PaperName of PaperMarkTime
1General Studies (MCQ)2003 Hours
2Gujarati and English Language Skills (Descriptive)1003 Hours
Total3006 Hours

The first paper has two parts, and we are talking about Part A.

Sr.TopicMarkMCQMinimum Qualifying StandardNegative Marking
1Reasoning and Data Interpretation505040%0.25; “E” option
2Quantitative Aptitude5050

Test 1 – Section B:

Sr.TopicMarkMCQMinimum Qualifying StandardNegative Marking
1The Constitution of India and Public Administration252540%0.25; “E” option
2History, Geography, Cultural Heritage2525
3Current Affairs and General Knowledge2525
4Environment, Science and Tech, Economics2525

Please take note of the following information.

  • Every question shall be of 1 mark.
  • Every attempted question with an incorrect answer shall carry a negative mark of 0.25.
  • In every question, there shall be one ‘E’ option of “Not attempted”. If the candidate does not intend to answer, he may select this option. If a candidate selects this option, no negative marks shall be given.
  • If a candidate has not selected any of the options given in the question, then it shall carry a negative mark of 0.25.
  • The Candidates shall be required to qualify in both Part A and Part B separately.

Paper 2 is a test that includes writing in both Gujarati and English. It focuses on your ability to use language effectively.

PART-A (Gujarati Language skill)
1Essay (350 Words)30
2Precis Writing (Gujarati and English)10
3Comprehension (Gujarati and English)10
4Report Writing (Gujarati)10
5Letter Writing (Gujarati)10
PART-B (English Language skill)
6Precis Writing (English)10
7Comprehension (English)10
8Translation (From Gujarati to English)10

Please take note:

  • Paper 1 of the Main Examination shall be objective type and Paper 2 shall be Descriptive type.
  • The Qualifying standard for PAPER-1 GENERAL STUDIES (MCQ) shall be a minimum of 40% marks in PART-A and PART-B separately.
  • The Qualifying standard for PAPER-2 GUJARATI and ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILL (DESCRIPTIVE) shall be a minimum of 40% marks.
  • The evaluation of Paper-2 GUJARATI and ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILL (DESCRIPTIVE) shall be made only for those candidates who score a minimum of 40 percent.
  • Qualifying marks in PART-A and PART-B of PAPER-1 GENERAL STUDIES (MCQ) separately.

Unarmed Police Constable, Armed Police Constable, Jail Sepoy, and Armed Police Constable (SRPF) Exam Pattern:

For this test, there are two parts: Part A and Part B. Both parts have a total of 200 multiple-choice questions to answer. Each question is worth one mark, so the total marks for the test are 200. Candidates have 3 hours, or 180 minutes, to finish all the questions in both parts.In Part A, there are 80 multiple-choice questions. Each question is worth one mark, so the total marks for Part A are 80. To pass Part A, candidates need to score at least 40%. If a candidate answers a question incorrectly, 0.25 marks will be deducted. If a candidate doesn’t know the answer to a question, they can choose the “E” option.

1Reasoning and Data Interpretation30
2Quantitative Aptitude30
3Comprehension in Gujarati language20

In this part of the test, you have to answer 120 multiple-choice questions. Each question is worth one point. To pass, you need to get at least 40% of the total points, which is 48 out of 120. If you answer a question wrong, you will lose 0.25 points.

1The Constitution of India30
2Current Affairs, Science and Technology, General Knowledge40
3History, Cultural Heritage and Geography of Gujarat and Bharat50

Gujarat Police Physical Efficiency Test 2024

Here are the distances you need to run and the time you are allowed to complete them in for the physical efficiency test (PET) in the Gujarat Police recruitment. This part is just to make sure you meet the minimum requirements.

MaleRunning5000 metersWithin 25 minutes
FemaleRunning1600 metersWithin 9 minutes and 30 seconds
Ex-ServicemanRunning2400 metersWithin 12 minutes and 30 seconds

Can you rephrase this in simpler terms?

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Gujarat Police Bharti 2024 Notification Out?

Yes, the Gujarat Police Recruitment 2024 has been announced on March 12th, 2024.

How many vacancies have been released under the Gujarat Police Bharti 2024?

A total of 12,472 job openings have been announced for the Gujarat Police Recruitment 2024.

What are the online application dates for the Gujarat Police Recruitment 2024?

The online application for the Gujarat Police Bharti 2024 will be open from 4th to 30th April 2024.

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